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Sunday, 6 April 2014

Increase positive energy wherever we go..

Increase positive energy wherever we go..

 Dear friends, we must have seen at least one person in our lifespan who might be very positive and able to do everything possible. If we could learn the art of being an optimistic secret of generating positive energy, No wonder we can also do it. For instance, we wanted to be a rich man like any majority prefers, obliviously Yes if we work towards that with positive energy & love. 

An ignorant question may go like this, I have studied only till eighth standard & can I become an MBBS doctor with positive energy?  The answer lay in it already that there is only distrust. Hence it is not possible. Our conscious mind always judges whether anything is possible or not based on experience and self-realization.  

The amount of energy we focus on our chosen goals makes a difference in how quickly and easily we achieve them. It is easier to achieve a goal when our energy is strong and focused. Positive feelings increase our stamina, and result in a feeling of wellbeing. To make our manifesting as easy as possible, we’d want to increase the amount of positive energy you have.. People that take frequent rests are often the ones who are more productive at work. 

We will become what our conscious mind tells us. Shall we say what we want to our conscious mind right away.. And lead our happy life. Happy New year 2014


எட்டுக்குள்ள உலகம் இருக்கு (our life is within eight)

Dear Friends,

எட்டுக்குள்ள உலகம் இருக்கு (our life is within eight)

முதல் எட்டில் ஆடாதது விளையாட்டல்ல * ரெண்டாம் எட்டில் கல்லாதது கல்வியுமல்ல *மூன்றாம் எட்டில் செய்யாதது திருமணமல்ல *நாலாம் எட்டில் பெறாதது குழந்தையுமல்ல
ஐந்தாம் எட்டில் சேர்க்காதது செல்வமுமல்ல *ஆறாம் எட்டில் சுற்றாதது உலகமுமல்ல*ஏழாம் எட்டில் காணாதது ஓய்வுமில்லை*எட்டாம் எட்டுக்கு மேல இருந்தா நிம்மதியில்லை

எட்டுக்குள்ள உலகம் இருக்கு
      Executions in time  as per the above lyrics are not possible for many and possible for few. Isn’t?  And if we inquire to those few successful people how was that possible? The majority of them would say I didn’t postpone anything at least from my side could be the reason. Hence, procrastination leads either failure or divert the opportunity to someone else.

    Some may be positively thinking about a luck and wait for the opportunity to knock their door. Well, in the meantime shall we forget the luck and follow-up as per the poem ‘work while we work, play while we play & this is the way to be happy each day. All that we do, Do with our might, Things done by half are never done right. 

   Worrying about the past deeds and losing the present is not at all advisable to go ahead as per probability. One of my friends who sarcastically asked me the moment after read the end of the line of the lyrics. In essence, one should not live in the world as soon as crossing 65 right? Certainly not to the person who does everything  in time and he will live longer than specified was my answer. Hope you will also agree with me.


All is well

Are you? The Kind of Boss - Your employees Want to Work For

Are you? The Kind of Boss - Your employees Want to Work For

Employee poaching is a fact of life for small business owners. Since they may not have adopted good management system due to lack of investment. Hence, at least prevent temptation by nurturing and incentivising your valued employees in time. All companies have valued employees – those they can’t afford to lose because of their skill, experience and commitment to their work. One way you can help them resist the temptation to stray is to show that you are invested in their future. Give them management time, discuss their professional goals, and share your vision for the continued growth of your business and their role in it.

Apart from money and other temptations, one of the big motivations for changing jobs is to get away from the boss. especially in today’s job market. It can be hard to imagine that your employees might want to leave you because they can’t tolerate your management style or the way you treat your employee. But the fact remains, your employees are critical to your success. This means, as an employer you need to earn the loyalty of your employees ­– no matter how thankful you think they should be that they have a job – and by being a good leader.

With strong leadership, your business and its employees will become more agile and resilient to change. Without it, employees quickly become disgruntled, lose interest, and quietly plan their exit. Most executive level employees would likely agree that a hefty paycheck alone does not define job satisfaction. Ultimately, Appreciation by means of gift, incentive, brotherhood and help them when they are in need and stop find fault on micro account are the only way to retain your potential employee in the long run.


Failure and success are illusions of the same coin

Failure and success are illusions of the same coin

“Follow your dream” is today’s mantra. While this is absolutely essential, it is also necessary to realize that sometimes things can take a different turn.  Our inner voice mirrors our innate qualities and that we can manifest them in any form. Failure and success are illusions of the same coin. We are blessed to be given a life to be lived as a journey. Use the signposts the external world gives you, but, somewhere, take the time to introspect and find that inner voice. You can be rest assured, however varied your journey might be, your inner GPS never malfunctions! Enjoy-getting lost!. To describe more about the concept, read the following story of one Ms. Sumitha

Since she was young, Sumitha always wanted to be a fashion designer. She had been selected for admission into a Fashion institute when there was a sudden personal crisis. Her father, who was the sole breadwinner, of the family passed away in an automobile accident. Responsibilities were thrust on her young shoulders and she decided that she had to choose an option that would give her a viable career option. A family member suggested ‘Speech therapy’ and she found herself training to be a speech therapist. It was a complete departure from what she had wanted to do. Five years passed, and Sumitha is now working as a speech therapist, supporting her younger brother’s education. In her work, many of her patients describe her as a creative therapist — someone who finds innovative ways of working with patients.

Sumitha has tapped into her own inner voice — which was one of creativity and innovation. The desire to be a fashion designer was merely the outer form. She has successfully transcribed that voice into a completely new avatar. Sumitha’s story was a personal epiphany.

Dealing with walk-ins and converting them as your customers are real tricky these days.

Dealing with walk-ins and converting them as your customers are real tricky these days. We are bound to go behind the technology since the end customers are already ahead of us. Hence, to win the race,  we have to be very much alert and be literally tech savvy to address them to finalize our deal.

 The single biggest mistake what we do is that we try to close the sale too fast, due to which we may end-up in failure. Speed is important in getting across to multiple decision makers quickly, identifying what is important to each player, and knowing where each player is in the buying process. After then, it’s time to slow down and stay in sync with each customer’s buying process.

Customer focus has nothing to do with your selling process, whether the customers are individual consumers, or large company buyers negotiating a complex transaction. The key is to put yourself in their shoes, and lead them through their own process. Customers want to buy from leaders, not the pushers. What a novel way to exceed your customer’s expectations!

Assume that we are serious about becoming more focused on our customers, and realize that a fast sales pitch doesn’t mean more sale. For instance, we are all sitting in front of a desktop/Laptop, when you are dealing with the new comers, firstly study about them by talking to them amicably and once you identify that the potential buyer has the technical background either himself or through his family member. Oh! Here we got it - surf & find out the demanded item’s specification and price faster in e-bay and give a suitable price for them to close the deal. Watch-out!  Online trader’s prices are not always higher than what we get from distributors. Go ahead one step further for order closure.

Secondly, we can anticipate about a telephone inquiry using  the clue given by them like “what is the cost of this model”  In essence, the person has already done his buying survey. We have to be tactful and invite them - Win or lose, have an experience with an anonymous caller and apply the learn-positive aspects in such cases in future.

Imagine, if a Dad is alone with us to finalize a laptop for his son who didn’t accompany him. Never mind, the modern son must be having an android phone. Cut, paste & send the competitive price tag with picture instant to get approval from him. WhatsApp!.  Learning to adapt ourselves based on the current trends, is what's going to work out. Isn’t?

Will be back soon..

Manifestation, Sales Pitch and Approach

Manifestation, Sales Pitch and Approach

We are all superior tech-hierarchies & We are not hawkers or pizzeria dudes to address end-customers. Wait innocently like a crane to get our fish are all becoming outdated. If we keep all these myths in our mind, we’ll be a loser. Why don’t we send a young, dynamic, well trained boy to ring the jingle bell of each & every house. Meaning? Door to Door marketing like Bhagavt Geeta  & Encyclopedia book seller. Outstanding!  Let’s have some tips about door to door marketing at the outset before we finalize. Here we go..

According to door to door sales, dress in a professional manner. If we issue a particular uniform, make sure it is clean and neatly pressed. If we are able to choose our own attire, then wear a neutral colored business suit with darker shades such as gray and dark blue. Avoid hats and sunglasses as we want the customer to be able to see our face. Wear a large name tag that prominently displays our name and our company's name. Smile when the customer answers the door, but avoid reaching out our hand to shake hands until we are able to get a conversation going with the homeowner.

We should knock loudly at the door so the homeowner knows we are there. Once they answer the door, avoid throwing a canned pitch at them right off the bat. Try to engage the customer for a minute or two with quick questions that let them give short and simple answers. Try to create questions that pertain to our topic, but use these preliminary questions as a lead-in to our pitch. Try to avoid yes or no questions, and open with a little humor if we feel comfortable with that. Once we feel the customer is at ease, we can then begin to move into our sales pitch.

As a professional door to door salesperson we want to give the impression that we are there on business, and that we do not pose a threat to the homeowner. Backing away from the door once we have knocked or rang the bell. If we can step off the porch without being too far away, then this may help put sufficient distance between us and the customer. We shouldn’t try to look through any of the front windows, it is also a sure way to get a door slammed in our face.

Will be back soon.. After I respond to my doorbell.


Let’s turn off our handheld just for a second

Let’s turn off our handheld just for a second

How to avoid mobile phones are hacked? “Switch it off” is the top answer isn’t? Right from a temple priest talk into his mobile while performing arthi with one hand; man on the beach negotiates business on the phone so loudly a baby begins to scream; car driver with a cell phone attached to his ear misses you by a whisker.

There’s a potential link between mobile phones and tinnitus as the cochlea and the auditory pathway directly absorb a considerable amount of energy emitted by a mobile. And there is the addiction — urge to check personal devices all the time, which human-computer interface researchers call “micro-interactions”. Own up — how many times in a day do you peek at email, social-media and apps? There is enough evidence to show that toggling between windows (check email, surf the Web) and apps can increase stress, interfere with short-term memory. Constant multi-tasking leaves you distracted, unable to focus. The next step easily is Attention Deficit Disorder.

Do you know what we have lost? Privacy and concentration. Attention span. If you are sending over a hundred messages a day, it means just one thing — you’ve lost the ability to be alone, to reflect. The more we keep aloneness at bay, the less are we able to deal with it and the more terrifying it gets.” Being alone should not give you the heebie-jeebies. Is loneliness the disease of the Web generation?

Ditch the phone and regain your life. Talk now, text / tweet / email later. Since a cell phone facilitates all our work, we fail to put boundaries around leisure, adventure, eating, sleeping, vacations, intimacy. Is life only about digital delighted? Take a Cell phone free day,  Practice self-control to quell FOMO (fear of missing out). Change the “cell phone habit” by switching off. When travelling / sleeping get into “airplane mode” - no phones. Lock your digital devices for a while.

Avoid being a search-it-all. Believe in and enjoy serendipity. Keep phones off the table. Stop snubbing others by paying attention to your mobile, especially at the dinner table. Look before you snap. A thousand smart phones being held aloft when an artist is singing is not a pretty sight, nor polite. Taste before you upload: pause, think before you hit “send”. Kiss your phone Goodnight, sleep well.

Will be back soon.. Just after putting off my handheld left on my desk.

Mind and Pursuit of Money

Mind and Pursuit of Money

Money makes many things. Yes, indeed, money matters. But, how much? It is up to each one of us to decide. It will determine how we live our lives and what the quality of that life will be.

Many people claim that it’s money (not love) that makes the world go around. They could well have added that love of money can turn lives upside down. What is the value of money? A one-hundred rupee note has the same value for everyone and at all times, right? Wrong! What is its value to you when you are in a mall? & on a desert island? What is its value when you have earned it? & when you have found it on the street? What is its value to you when you realize it can buy you a pizza? And when you are told it can buy a hungry child’s food for a whole week?

So, money does not have the same value to everyone and at all times. Realizing this, internalizing this crucial truth, will refine our ideas regarding money and create healthier attitudes towards it throughout our lives. When you think about it, managing money is more to do with managing attitudes and expectations than the actual money itself. It is to do with assigning a suitable slot for “money” on our values pyramid. Very often, we don’t take the time and effort to do this early enough in life. The result could be a temptation to take unethical or even illegal shortcuts in the blind pursuit of money without even a clear idea of what it means to us. Lurking on the horizon are the consequences… potentially a lifetime of family tensions, job dissatisfaction and consequent poor health.

How should we determine the ‘slot’ for money on our personal values pyramid? For a start, we could list all the things that money cannot buy and decide how important those things are to us. A very memorable advertisement for a credit card company had the tagline “There are some things that money cannot buy; for everything else, there’s…….!” For instance, money cannot buy good health, a loving family, genuine friendships and strong character. It cannot buy empathy and loyalty. On the contrary, poor attitudes to money can destroy any or all of these.

Next, we should analyze how big a role sentiment plays in our way of thinking, if at all. That pearl necklace that your grandma gave you last year, so unfashionable and out-of-date, does it have a value to you other than in terms of what it can fetch when sold on one of those ubiquitous “quick-sale” Internet sites?

When the elderly man down the street says he doesn’t want to part with his house in his lifetime because it holds very good memories for him, would his relatives be right in branding him “selfish” for not handing the house over to developers and distributing the profits among his heirs?

There are no universal right and wrong answers about the value of money. But there are right and wrong answers that are unique to a particular person’s value system. If we don’t take the time to introspect and determine where we stand on this very important issue, we may be allowing ourselves to let money determine our decisions, our relationships and, ultimately the quality of our lives.

IT Associations Looking For New Flag Bearers

It’s election season at the end of March or the beginning of April in all associations. Everyone will be ready to choose their preferred candidates as office bearers, either through round-robin, roll over or polling methods.

Duraikannu Soundarapandian

Some associations’ elections end peacefully, while there will be disruption in some. Regardless of the association, we cannot expect anything other than monthly meets, family meets, outing, donation, health check-up and the list goes on.

Wait a minute! Do we really need this? No, we do not want these stereotypes except our core business revenue being the constant demand from many members. It is time that we asked: Is this possible through our associations?

We are united for the same cause. Unless everyone co-operates by maintaining a uniform price and do innovative business, nothing is going to work out with the association. Remember that you are owner of your company and not the association that has many business-owners.

So my request to contestants is, “Are you willing to take up the challenges which are awaiting to be completed within a year’s period allotted to you?”

My advice is, first think twice or thrice before you contest to become an office bearer. Many contestants approach the members with answer to a regular question that emerges. We are not afraid of anything and we have learnt from the past experiences on how to lead the group.

Our simple aim should be: If you are making good revenue through your business, simply go ahead and be an inspiring member of our association without ruining your existing options. Star of the evening, shawls, applause and praises are all passing clouds and until then it is a dream-come-true to the upcoming contestants or nominees.

Well, don’t believe in someone who says that I am capable of handling both business and community very efficiently. As per God’s creation - very few are leaders, some are soldiers and many are civilians. Decide what you want to become. Think twice on what you want to bring on board and not to do the stereotype activities.
