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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Disappeared Palms Joined Salutation & Appeared Handshake

Disappeared Palms joined Salutation (kumbdran Sami)  & Appeared Handshake (Glad to meet you)
Shaking hands with others was nowhere in our culture. The arrival of the European traders introduced us to this friendly way of greeting others. These days we shake hands with our elders. But when it comes to taking their blessings we prostrate before them. Diverse meanings are attributed to this action.
The custom of mutual salutation is not exclusive to our country. It is shared by other nations as well. While it is true that the mode of performing it is definitely peculiar to our land, it is also true that the basic principle underlying this custom is the same among all nations.
When we raise our palms joined together to salute, we only mean to say symbolically that we are together we think alike; our vibrations are in harmony with each other. The action denotes the recognition of soul and soul force.
Dharma Shastras have devised certain codes of conduct in saluting others;  inside the temples,
1. The Deities should be saluted with both the palms jointed together raise above our heads
2. The guru or teacher should be saluted by placing the jointed palms against our forehead
3. The father responsible  for our sojourn on this earth, and the king who cares for our safety, deserve to be saluted by placing the joined palms Close to our Mouth and Nose
4. Wise men, sages and elders should be saluted with both the palms joined together In front of the chest                 
5. The mother takes the best of places in the human body. She should be saluted with both the hands joined together In front of the novel    
All these parts of our body play their significant roles. The belly, the heart the nose and the mouth, the head and the overhead are symbols for healthy body, happiness, long life, knowledge and prosperity, and enlightenment respectively, spiritual science too explains that the force generated by the soul in its field of electricity and magnetism is stored in three important centers of the body and made to radiate from here to different parts. The fourth one, above the head, is to denote that the lord is above everything.
A person prostrates before his elders in recognitions of the wisdom of experience with him /her due to his age, And so he expresses his humility by indirectly saying, ‘I am like the dust of your feet’. From a spiritual point of view, this custom is meant to seek the blessings from the mouth of the leader.
We always feel a kind of vibration in our body which bring you full happiness when you salute or joined palms posture to someone. Right?
If you judge my age so and so , Imagine my posture with kumbudu  & Accept as per your age.
            -Grabbed from the publication

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