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Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Get up and Get dancing

 Do we have to join a dance school at this age of the genre? & which style of dance that we have to learn is all humpback the moment we decided mentally. Get up and get dancing, Even an unprofessional dance, we talk about can increase the amount of exercises; reduced stress levels, improved relaxation, stronger bones and muscles and help to control body weight. Of course, we need a trainer to become a professional dancer. In our case all what we need is to keep our body healthy. Right!

 Funnily, We are dancing with our friends whatever leg movements comes in our mind when we incarnated in occasions due to the kind of intake. Isn’t?  Dancing isn't just about the steps & music. It's a perfect combination of physical activity, and mental stimulation. Dancing enhances our life in so many ways: When we dance, our cardiovascular system improves, our muscle tone increases and we burn calories. This low-impact activity also increases flexibility, strength, and balance.

 In today's fast-paced world, we sometimes forget to take a moment for ourselves. Dancing provides an enjoyable escape from our normal daily routine, plus a chance to relax, relieve stress, and concentrate on ourselves. Dancing is a great way to add excitement to our lives.

As we are all used to enjoy our children dancing  as per cinematic music and sometime we do along with them, finally the result is more happiness & we forget our worries unconsciously. Why not we allocate sometime from our hectic schedule for dancing. Shall we dance regularly?  Or  At least why don’t we send our children to a dance school? Oh! Your child is already in dancing school, Excellent.

All is well

9443731929, 9345089453

Modern Saraswathi Pooja -2013

Modern Saraswathi Pooja

(This write-up is  extracted from someone’s article whom I inspired and his intuition is similar to mine and the same has been tuned-up a bit more. Genuinely not to criticize on anybody’ religious sentiments)

  Today’s children could guess instantly and even reveal the story  ‘Hero triumph over villain’ the moment after seeing Actor Rajinikath posture & gesture in as one hand with a machine gun & another with a bomb in a cinema poster. Well, but at the same time Do our children show any interest to know?  How the various adornments of the idol of the deity have a message worthy of reflection though they are based on mythological belief. Today, for instance, is ‘Saraswati Puja’.   Goddess Saraswati gives human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. She plays the music of love and life on Lute & has sacred scriptures in hand to signify the knowledge.

As well, Goddess Saraswati is dressed in white which stand for purity and rides on a white swan. You guys know that the scared bird swan if offered a mixture of milk and water, is able to drink the milk alone and leave the water behind. In essence, the discrimination between the good and the bad.

Are we using our gift of speech to connect to our loved ones? Are we learning anything for the pleasure of learning itself? Have we made any effort to connect to our rich cultural heritage, have we introduced our children to it yet? Are we sincere in seeking knowledge? Or Are we content in finding quick answers?  YES - then fine. NO - let’s start right away.

The home is the first school where education and learning take root. As parents, we must strive to inspire our children towards scientific reason, fine arts, sports training and other learning which goes beyond course books. It is our duty to teach children practical lessons in honesty, discipline, patience, self-control, humility, etiquette; all of which is important for character building.

An evolved human being is not the product of a premier institution, but a sublime blend of the environment and the culture of his home and education system. Hence, Shall we start reading something relevant what we want along with our children immediately after the Puja is over instead of hibernate a day or two to open up the books which are cascaded in front of the Goddess as per forefather say. Of course, we make use of the tools also placed next to the books.
May Goddess Saraswati brings happiness in our life, hatred be far apart & also the trouble. Happy Saraswati Puja” 

9443731929, 9345089453

Shall we kill the bill with the tool of profit

Shall we kill the bill with the tool of profit

 Our livelihood bills keep on hitting us relentlessly and we don’t have any second thoughts to decide whether we wanted them all or not and by the time our next bill is kicking off. Isn’t? Hence, our everyday activities are more connected with our profitability. Are we finding time to streamline our accounts and extract the real profit. Yes/No?   Once we started to live only with the profitability and subsequently the sale has to increase unavoidably which is a good sign. Spending principle along with the profit indirectly ruin our business and if we fail to know that in time, there is no remedy to recover.

There are several options to consider which may improve the profitability of our business, such as increasing trade or re-evaluating individual or entire financial aspects. Whatever area we exploit, we will need to know our business inside out to improve performance and maximize the potential for profit. .

How to check and measure profitability? Apart from ensuring our cash flow is under control, we must also regularly check our profitability. The net profit is the amount of money left after paying all our bills. It determines how much money we can safely take out of the business for our living expenses and to pay taxes.

We will receive an annual set of accounts from our accountant. However this can be up to nine months after the end of the financial year. We need to check profitability much more frequent and more promptly, using monthly or weekly figures

A good approximate measure of profitability is the gross margin. The gross margin is the value of sales less the direct cost of sales. So, if sales are Rs.1000 and the cost of sales are Rs.800 the gross margin is Rs.200 or 40 per cent of sales. Why is this so important? Firstly, the gross margin is a means by which different businesses can be compared. If a florist's gross margin is 50 per cent and an insurgent is 20 percent the latter has to sell 2.5 times as much value to achieve the same gross margin. So, gross margin is a unique basic comparison of differing businesses.

Secondly, to calculate the profitability of a business all we have to do is to deduct the business' overheads from the gross margin. So if the gross margin is Rs.1000 and the overheads are Rs.600 the net profit is Rs.400. Overheads tend to be fixed in the short term so the gross margin becomes a good indicator of profitability and can be calculated quite simply.

Alternatively, our accountant can help us set a basic measurement of our gross margin on a weekly or monthly basis.  Well, at least from day the of saraswathy Pooja, Keep our negative thoughts aside & we’ll start our new life with profit alone and kill all the bills. As per belief,  when we pray whole heartedly to goddess saraswathy  who in turn enhance our careers.  Believe in the Best.

All is well,

9443731929, 9345089453

Optimistic Diwali - 2013

A Very Happy Diwali To You & Your Beautiful Family May God Give You All That You Want & Need In Your Life Enjoy The Festival With Lots Of Light. Some might have done good/poor revenue in business this year. We all feel our celebration & happiness towards any festival is more connected with our income, we don’t know whether this concept is a myth or true but as per the spiritual belief ‘being happy what you are content with and try your best’.

 Albeit, an atom bomb and the famous Goddesses Lakshmi cracker’s massive hit of sound reached to our ear as a wake-up call of Diwali festivity. But our modern era people are not that much enthusiastic about Diwali. Since, nothing special except children’s happiness, sitting in front of an idiot box and watching celebrities show with slobber.

Well, When we look at our Children, their interest towards bursting crackers, wearing new wardrobes and cherishing Diwali sweets etc. are lost long within a few hours. Since, they want to move on back to SMS, Twitter and FacebookI surprised to know from my friend who’s son is playing crackers and buster game through his smart tab and not anything lively. My goodness, How technology transformed today’s generation mind-set? 

Besides, at present, sitting in front of a latest smart 3D monitor featuring touch with an android app, one can play a cracker game through gestures too. Is it a boon or bane?  Soundtrack someone’s voice without their concern may be a bane and re-collecting the sweetness of stored voice shall be a boon. Whatever these gadgets are keeping us engaged all the time and the Google calendar snooze of payment reminder awakening without fail.

During our bygone times, children and even elders used to dream Diwali dresses a month before it. But, these days many people are wearing new clothes as on when fashion trend changes and the buying habit also became very easy ‘It is not a big deal’ surf, chase and buy online. Jockytack pant is the latest trend among boys and BiBa & Diva salwar kamitz dominates girls this year. Remember we guys never know until our dad unpack what he has chosen for us in the eleventh hour of Diwali. These days parents are not involved or not allowed in child's preference.

Visit the disconnected relative’ home and re-establish the missed relationship through the Diwali sweets are all outdated on account of both the poles are thinking who will come forward first is the present stance. We started forgetting the great saying ‘Many hands make light work’

What if Diwali was quiet and elegant with diyas and sparklers minus the noise.. Do we  really need these loud crackers? How can be this a joyous festival if the celebrations cause so much distress? Heart weakened elders have to use earplugs and stay indoors. Domestic animals used to run helter-skelter. Why couldn’t this instead be a pleasurable festival for one and all?

Shall we take a pledge from this Diwali that we are not going to miss the culture, hereditary, manners and humanity. Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger let’s keep it up. On this auspicious day, shall we pray to Goddess Lakshmi to give us a proven attitude of “United we Stand, Divided we fall”

Best Wishes for Diwali.
